

Company Mensan Isosport Japan Corporation
Address No. 1-10 Nittsushoukan Bldg 504、Nihonbashi-Kabutochou, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan 103-0026
President Yoohei Iwasa
Establish 1972/10/07
Capital 15 millions


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mensan Isosport Japan Corporaton is the agent of Isosport verbund bauteile Ges.nm.b.h. in Austria. We have distributed the products value in use and services from the heart of Europe, Austria.

We deliver the value that meets your demands and support your desire of your goal. We are always cultivating new challenge and new idea to evolve.  Over the past 50 years of experiences, and great amount of customers' support, we are able to play as a role to deliver tech hub of plastic technic.

We present our thema of innvative include,

・)Better the state of art designs and better performance one from another.

Our R&D teams are working on what is the better products leading customer's wish and new requirmeents. We keep what is outstanding in our analisis, and shape it in real. 

・)New applications which enable to support your new idea.

We build up our products to be able to apply all of plastice which can meets value in use to meets with sophysticate application.

・)Good processing that helps your productivity.

Customers being able to handle the products in processing is one of the quality of the products feature.  We take it into our account offcource.

・)Provide safety manual.

The product must provide no anxiciety and harzardous to users.  In terms of being safety, the users has to be confident in the products they use and be confortable.  We design our products in terms of those to deliver satisfaction.